The Importance of Rooftop Grease Containment for Restaurant and Kitchen Roofs

Rooftop Grease Containment

We all understand the importance of regular roof maintenance in order to get the most out of your roof. However there are certain situations that call for extra roof maintenance such as roof systems that house grease emitting exhaust fans. Grease contamination on your roof opens you up to unnecessary liabilities, safety hazards, code violations and expensive repairs or replacement. Learn how to prevent these issues from occurring with preventative maintenance and rooftop grease containment systems.

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The Mystery of a Roof Leak

Mystery of a Roof Leak

An ongoing roof leak can be a frustrating situation. I mean how hard can it really be for your roofer to find a roof leak? Sometimes it can be more difficult than you may think. Learn more about typical roof leak investigation, problems that make these roof leaks harder to find and tools roofers use to locate hard to find roof leaks.

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Weighing in on Ballasted Roof Systems: Costly Issues You Need to Understand

Ballasted Roof System

When you are considering a new roof a ballasted roof system can seem like a good way to save money on the install but there are costly disadvantages to this sort of system. Repairs can present certain challenges and your roof has to be protected from what’s holding it down in the first place. What can be even worse is when the ballast is removed from an area and not replaced. Check out our article and video on ballasted roof systems before you find yourself between a rock and a roof leak.

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PVC – The Other White Sheet

PVC Roof

PVC roofing membrane isn’t actually all that new. It’s actually been around since the mid 1960s. So why haven’t I heard of PVC in roofing you ask? Great question! PVC, utilized heavily in roofing in Europe for years, is not as well known in the United States which comes down to a lack of product education to the consumer.

There are a lot of great benefits that go along with installing PVC roof materials for your next roofing project. Learn more about the benefits of PVC roofing materials.

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Roof Drain vs. Roof Scupper

Roof Drain vs Roof Scupper

Speaking the language of a roofing contractor can be a difficult skill to master. This is the case when a homeowner or building owner hears a contractor talking about a scupper versus a roof drain. Both are used to provide drainage for a roof system. However, they are not interchangeable. The term needs to be clarified when identifying the specific detail that you may have on your roof system because the corrective action for addressing these details and providing repairs is different.

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